Peter Stasny, »Die Farbenlichtspiele«, in: Ludwig Hirschfeld-Mack:Bauhäusler und Visionär, (eds.) Andreas Hapkemeyer, Peter Stasny (Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2000)

»music in simple rhythms … . Lamps and masks and all the other accessories are controlled according to the musical movement, so that the temporal structure becomes very clear, and all optical movements, expansions, contractions, intersections, progressions, climaxes, and decaying sounds are underscored and enhanced.«

 author = {Stasny, Peter},
 title = {Die Farbenlichtspiele},
 publisher = {Hatje Cantz},
 isbn = {3775709282},
 editor = {Hapkemeyer, Andreas and Stasny, Peter},
 booktitle = {Ludwig Hirschfeld-Mack:Bauh\"{a}usler und Vision\"{a}r},
 year = {2000},
 address = {Ostfildern}
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