François Bondy, Harenberg-Lexikon der Weltliteratur: Coc - Hea (Dortmund}, edition = {Vollst. überarb. und aktualisierte Studienausg.}, volume = {2}, publisher = {Harenberg-Lexikon-Verl.}, isbn = {3611003387}, series = {Harenberg-Lexikon der Weltliteratur}, editor = {Bondy, François}, fulltext = {\url{}}, permalink = {\url{}}: Harenberg-Lexikon-Verl.}, isbn = {3611003387}, series = {Harenberg-Lexikon der Weltliteratur}, editor = {Bondy, François}, fulltext = {\url{}}, permalink = {\url{}}, 1994)

»for the synergy of all the arts (poetry, music, dance, visual art, architecture) in a work for the stage«

@book{Bondy.1994, year = {1994}, title = {Harenberg-Lexikon der Weltliteratur: Coc - Hea}, address = {Dortmund}, edition = {Vollst. \"{u}berarb. und aktualisierte Studienausg.}, volume = {2}, publisher = {Harenberg-Lexikon-Verl.}, isbn = {3611003387}, series = {Harenberg-Lexikon der Weltliteratur}, editor = {Bondy, François}, fulltext = {\url{}}, permalink = {\url{}}}

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